Hello World!

Coates Data Strategies logo

Post last updated: Sept 2, 2019

Welcome to my new website! I’m Melissa Coates and Coates Data Strategies is my new company launched September 2019.

Main Focus

I’ll be focusing on three main things with Coates Data Strategies:

Training: I’m currently beginning creation of a series of technical training courses. Creating training content is something I love to do, so I’m going to focus a lot of time on this aspect of the business. I’ll share more info soon.

Technical Writing: I really enjoy writing whitepapers, e-books, and such. Some things are happening here, so stay tuned.

Consulting: I’ll continue to do short projects intermixed with my training and writing activities, primarily in the area of architecture design for Azure data services and Power BI deployment planning.

Please check my Services page for additional info.

How to Stay Informed

Subscribe: If you’d like an e-mail alert when new content is released, please visit my Subscribe page. This will be used to announce major new content additions like a new course or major revisions to a course. I won’t be sending out e-mail alerts for new blog posts.

Blog: I’ll be blogging here on this site going forward. However, my SQLChick website will remain live for the foreseeable future so that existing blog posts will be preserved. Links to relevant diagrams, downloads, and presentations will all be redirected to the Coates Data Strategies site.

Twitter: I’ve got a new @CoatesDS account. Twitter is another great way to keep up with announcements re: events, new content, etc., as well as interesting tech tidbits I see and learn. My existing @SQLChick Twitter account will also remain active - that’s where I’ll talk a bit about community activities and there will be no shortage of dog pics. :-)

This self-employment thing should be a fun ride! Off we go…