New Power BI Adoption Roadmap

Post last updated: July 7, 2021

I’m thrilled to announce that the new Power BI Adoption Roadmap is out!

The goal for this new documentation is to help organizations know what is involved with adopting Power BI successfully.

For the most part it’s targeted to orgs who have Power BI deployed to a certain extent, yet know there’s room for improvement. We focus mostly on the harder things that are more difficult to manage than the technology itself.

Although I did the writing and diagram creation, I did so with Matthew Roche’s direction, advice, and guidance. That man is a wealth of knowledge. If you’re reading this post, then you’re probably familiar with his series on building a data culture. If you haven’t reviewed that series thoroughly, please do. You’ll recognize a lot of common themes from his content in this new adoption roadmap.

Next, let me tackle two questions you might have. At the end of this post is a tip for how you can help make the roadmap better.

How is this adoption roadmap different from the previously published Power BI adoption framework?

Audience: The framework was initially created by Manu Kanwarpal and Paul Henwood in the UK. It was a voluntary project they did to help share what they had learned from customer projects. The information was initially made available to help partners (usually consulting companies) implement Power BI more effectively for their customers. Since then, it has been made more openly available on GitHub, but hasn’t been updated recently since it was originally a voluntary effort that was limited.

Structure: The new series has one article per item shown in the roadmap diagram at the top of the overview. Each topic concludes with a short ‘maturity levels’ section to help you get a quick assessment of where you might be at. This structure will be easier to evolve and update over time.

Level of Detail: This new adoption roadmap puts more emphasis on what and why. For the most part, we link to existing other resources for details how to implement some of the recommendations. We do have plans to consolidate all related information into one area, but that’ll take some additional time.

Having said all of that, what’s in the framework is awesome information. If you’ve consumed the entirety of the new adoption roadmap, definitely go through the framework as well if you aren’t familiar with it.

How is this adoption roadmap different from my Power BI Deployment & Governance online course?

There’s consistency in terms of key ideas. As I convert the course to be delivered on-demand instead of live sessions (see my future plans here), I’m going to reorganize some my course content to more closely align with this adoption roadmap. If you need help bringing the adoption roadmap to life (with more detailed information, templates, and ability to ask questions in group Q&A sessions) that’s where my online course will fit in.

You (yes you!) can help make the adoption roadmap better

How to provide Docs feedback

This adoption roadmap is the initial release of the information we think will be most helpful to organizations who are implementing Power BI. We do have plans for improvements. So, how can you help?

If you find a page particularly helpful, use the thumbs-up to indicate yes.

If you would like to see changes on a page, please use the thumbs-down and submit a comment along with it.

I want to close with a huge thank you to Matthew Roche for being awesome to work with.

Happy reading!